There are many theories on the subject of what makes something funny. One popular one states that you can dissect humor like a frog and find the innards of it, but this is discouraging for a non-scientific mind. Philosophers, scientists, and comedians have been studying humor for centuries, and there are several reasons it’s so successful. Let’s look at some of these reasons. This way, you’ll have an idea of what makes something funny.
The term funny means something that amuses people. It is a synonym for facetious. If you’re doing something suspicious or dishonest, you’re being funny. A phrase related to this type of behavior is “funny business.” You might want to avoid saying things that make your audience laugh, but if they do, it will make them laugh. So, be sure to switch up characters. This way, your jokes will be a lot more memorable.
Changing roles is another effective way to delay funny. The actors in movies or on TV can switch roles, and that can make the whole thing more interesting. For example, in a recent episode of Scrubs, Jennifer Lawrence got into a bar fight with Seth Rogen, and Seth said that Budapest was dangerous. When she told this, Jennifer pretended that Seth was referring to her as the aggressor. However, he said that his comment about Budapest was about the aggressor, which led to a hilarious response. Similarly, you can change the character traits in a story to create a more humorous outcome.
Lastly, there are some funny stories that involve the incongruity of the characters’ behavior. For instance, a movie where a character gets into a bar fight might make the other person assume that the other person is the aggressor. In this case, the actor can play the aggressor and pretend that he’s the one getting into the bar fight. Using this tactic can help you avoid embarrassing situations or awkward interactions.
There are many other ways to delay funny. Callbacks are a great way to switch the character’s traits and thereby get the audience laughing. For example, Jennifer Lawrence and Seth Lawrence got into a bar fight in Budapest. During the conversation, Seth implied that it was the aggressor. But the actor was referring to her. A similar situation is true when they switched roles. This is a good way to delay a funny story.
Callbacks are another way to delay funny. This technique is often used to refer to items that got a laugh in an earlier conversation. This allows the speaker to reference the things that made the other person laugh in the previous conversation. It is also a great way to make a story more fun. Consider switching roles between characters during the discussion. You may even want to write a wedding toast for a friend. If this sounds like you, practice, and more.