
A Short Guide To Beauty

Beauty is widely defined as a subjective aspect of objects which makes these objects aesthetically pleasing to see. Such objects may be artistic works of art, landscapes, humans or beautiful objects in general. Beauty, along with beauty, is perhaps the most important area of aesthetics, among the major branches of visual philosophy. There are many […]


Your Ultimate Major Hobby List

A hobby is defined as a common activity which is normally done for fun, usually during one’s free time. Hobbies include playing sports, building things and collecting objects, among others. There are many hobbies available, and sometimes it can be hard to choose which hobby to choose. For this reason, it’s good to brainstorm a […]


Is Your Funny Worth It?

Is Your Funny Worth It? According to one academic definition, “humor” is “the ability to laugh at or make jokes of things that are absurd or insignificant.” According to another, “humor is a special capacity or faculty whereby the mind becomes capable of appreciating the absurd.” According to a third definition, “humor is subjective.” Thus, […]


Changing Beauty Standards

Changing Beauty Standards Beauty is most commonly defined as a subjective feature of things that makes these things pleasant to see. Such things as sunsets, landscapes, humans and beautiful works of art are subject to beauty. Beauty, with art and science, is perhaps the most important topic of aesthetics, next to science and religion. Most […]


Hire the Right Hobbyist

Hire the Right Hobbyist A hobby is described in the Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Addition as a course or activity pursued for the purpose of having pleasure, delight, or other benefit. From this perch it is only natural for persons engaged in different types of hobbies to disagree as to what is not a […]


How to Get People to Laugh With Humor

How to Get People to Laugh With Humor People from all walks of life love to make others laugh and this is why funny games have become extremely popular over the past decade or so. There are many varieties of games available on the internet which help people to laugh and, in the process, learn […]


The Philosophy Of Beauty

Beauty is widely defined as a subjective feature of things that makes these things enjoyable to see. These things include sunsets, landscapes, beautiful humans and unique works of art. Beauty, along with beauty and art, is perhaps the most important area of aesthetics, among the major branches of anthropology, one of the oldest fields of […]


The Early 21st Century Has Seen a Change in Many Hobby Activities

Hobby, playtime and children. A bond, a source of fulfillment, of inspiration and fun that creates lasting childhood memories. The word “hobby” is derived from the French word “haut” meaning “play” or “dance.” Hobby includes games, crafts, athletics, riding, model airplane flights, stargazing, watching sports, playing music, making jewelry, music, cooking, gardening, woodworking and other […]


Humor Words – Learn More About Them

Humor Words – Learn More About Them When did funny become funny? Funny became funny when it became a part of our culture. It started when the Romans found ways to make everyday things funny. They found ways to make fun of everything starting from animals to the most powerful person in history. Thus, the […]


The Concept of Beauty Is Not the True Beauty

“Beauty” is commonly defined as an attractive feature of things which makes these things enjoyable to see. These things include sunsets, landscapes, beautiful humans and creative works of art. Beauty, along with beauty, is perhaps the most important consideration of aesthetics, one of the most important branches of psychology. It is also one of the […]