
The Concept of Beauty – Fication

Beauty is often defined as the emotional feeling that accompanies the physical aspect of things that makes these things pleasing to see. These things may include sunsets, landscapes, beautiful humans and great works of art. Beauty, along with individual taste and aesthetics, is probably the most important subject of aesthetics, among the most developed branches of science.


The term beauty is a relative term. It has no precise meaning in the scientific sense. An object’s beauty depends on our personal and aesthetic perspective of beauty, and what we consider beautiful differs from person to person. This difference in personal aesthetic sense and definition of beauty arises because we have different ways of perceiving beauty. We may be more attracted to objects that satisfy our personal standards for beauty, or we may be more receptive to the aesthetic object’s attractiveness in relation to our own standards of beauty.

We also have an interest in beauty in aesthetic objects. We tend to compare one aesthetic object with another as being equally beautiful. Thus, a work of art by Mona Lisa is appreciated as being of equal aesthetic value to a Rembrandt image of the same work. In addition to valuing beauty in the object, we also tend to value it in other ways, for example, we will choose an object that is pleasing to the eye over a less attractive one.

The term beauty as an aesthetic object was first used by Dutch artist Rembrandt. He began his painting career when he was young, developing a love for the loveliness of flowers and fruits. His natural aesthetic sense enabled him to create wonderful paintings of all kinds of flowers. Although he never developed the beauty -fication that we attribute to beauty, Rembrandt’s paintings have become very popular, and his works are now sold around the world.

In recent years, however, the term beauty -fication has become associated with other things as well, especially in the field of advertising. The marketing world has used beauty -fication to sell products by linking them with natural or pleasant aspects of their target market. This can be seen in the way many perfume advertisers talk about their product’s smell, and in the way television advertisers highlight certain qualities of their products.

In advertising, beauty -fication is used in much the same way that beauty -fication is used in art. Advertisers talk about their product in terms of its beauty; they describe their product in terms of its “appearance”, “look”, and so on. They use beauty -fication to associate their product with other desirable aspects of their target market. This is why many women feel attracted to adverts featuring attractive models, and why some men feel uninterested in watching TV ads showing beautiful women.